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IWP Internal Regulations (By-Laws)

November 2020


Associação de Mulheres Internacionais em Portugal is also known as International Women in Portugal or IWP.

As per the Constitution.


As per the Constitution.


Section 1

Regular Membership: Women shall be eligible for regular membership. Members have voting privileges and may hold any position within the Association.

Section 2

Associate Membership: An associate is the regular member’s partner and/or their child under the age of 18. Associate members do not have voting privileges and cannot hold a position. They can attend activities and events at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 3

Honorary Membership: The Executive Board may grant Honorary Membership due to exemplary service to the Association.

Section 4

Other Membership categories: The Executive Board may propose other membership categories and corresponding dues for the approval of the General Meeting.

Section 5

a. Membership shall be effective upon application and payment of dues on the IWP website. Payment may be made by credit card.
b. The yearly membership fee is 25€.
c. Upon payment of dues, members will have full access to the IWP website, which includes the Internal Regulations and Constitution.
d. The membership year runs from the date of payment of dues and lasts one calendar year. An email will be sent to the member 15 days prior to the end of their membership year advising them of the need to renew their membership.
e. Failure to pay yearly dues within 30 days of the renewal date result in the termination of membership unless a reason for late payment is communicated and accepted by the Executive Board.
f. If a change in the annual membership fee is deemed necessary, it will be recommended by the Executive Board for approval at a General Meeting.
g. Membership subscriptions are not transferable in any situation.
h. Changes to member’s personal data should be updated on the IWP website.

Section 6

a. Individual membership may be revoked or denied for just cause by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Following this, written notification will be sent to the individual concerned by the Executive Board.
b. The individual has a period of fourteen calendar days to lodge an appeal with the Membership Representation Board. The appeal shall then be presented by the Membership Representation Board to the Executive Board, and the Executive Board will then vote on the appeal. A response will be issued within 30 calendar days, after the 14 days notice.

Section 7

Rights and obligations:
a. Rights: Regular members have the right to participate in the Association’s activities and events. Regular members have the right to vote at meetings and to take office in the Association’s management.
b. Obligations: All members should act responsibly within the multicultural environment and should not behave in a way that prejudices the interests and good name of the Association and its members.

Section 8

All members’ personal and contact details shall not be divulged to any person without the permission of the individual concerned. All information shall be treated as private and confidential and governed by the relevant Portuguese Law.

(The Boards)

Section 1

a. The Executive Board:

The Executive Board shall have the responsibility and power to direct and administer the Association as stated in The Constitution and the Internal Regulations.

b. The Membership Representation Board:

The Membership Representation Board is to ensure that the opinions and concerns of the Association’s members about the functioning and direction of the Association are considered by its leadership. In the event that the MRB receives a minimum of 20 written complaints regarding the EB or one of its members the MRB will review and investigate the complaints and may call a General Meeting to recommend removal of the EB or one of its members.

c. The Financial Review Board:

The Financial Review Board shall regularly audit the work of the Treasurer and shall report any inconsistencies or concerns to the President of the Executive Board and copy the MRB. 

Section 2


a. The Membership Representation Board shall ensure that at least one candidate from the regular membership stands for each presidential position of the Association’s three governing Boards: the Executive Board, the Financial Review Board and the Membership Representation Board. It is the responsibility of the presidential candidates to present a slate for the remaining elected positions on their Board.
b. All candidates should receive a description of the position’s responsibilities. All regular members must receive a statement of intent from the proposed presidential candidates and a personal introduction from each proposed member of the slate at least two weeks before the vote at a General Meeting.
c. A member may serve on the same Board for no more than two consecutive terms.
d. The election shall take place at a General Meeting called by the Membership Representation Board. Voting shall be by show of hands or other method approved by the Member Representation Board. In the event that a member eligible to vote cannot be present on that day, she may either: request an absentee ballot from the Membership Representation Board which must be received the day before the election or vote by written proxy given to another regular member present at the General Meeting.
e. In the event that there is more than one presidential candidate the election shall be carried out as defined by the Membership Representation Board.
f. In the event that there are no presidential candidates, nominations shall be accepted from the floor at that time of the General Meeting.
g. The Membership Representation Board shall run the election. The presidential candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast shall be elected. Results of the election shall be announced before the close of the Meeting. The membership shall be informed of the names of the newly elected Boards via email within 30 calendar days.

(General Meeting)

Section 1

A General Meeting shall be comprised of the regular members of the Association and be conducted by the Member Representation Board. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be half of the regular members. If a quorum is not present at the set starting time, the Membership Representation Board shall postpone the meeting for one half hour and then reconvene with the number of voting members present and duly represented.

Section 2

A General Meeting has the power to:
a. Elect the Executive Board, Membership Representation Board and the Financial Review Board.
b. Approve changes in dues.
c. Modify the Constitution and the Internal Regulations:

  • Amendments to the Constitution and the Internal Regulations must be voted on at a General Meeting. The Membership Representation Board shall notify all regular members of the pending vote with the proposed amendments at least two weeks prior to that Meeting. Approval of amendments requires a majority vote of three quarters of regular members present at the designated General Meeting.
  • Amendments shall be proposed by the Executive Board. Amendments may also be proposed in writing with the signatures of a minimum of fifteen regular members; such amendments shall be filed with the Membership Representation Board who shall submit the proposals at the next meeting of the Executive Board. Within 30 calendar days thereafter, the Executive Board shall request the Membership Representation Board to call a General Meeting

d. Remove Board members.
e. Approve the Accounts.
f. Dissolve the Association:

  • To consider dissolution, a special meeting of the Association must be called by the Membership Representation Board. Regular members must be notified of the meeting at least fourteen calendar days before it is held. An affirmative vote of at least three quarters of all regular members shall be required to effect dissolution.
  • In the event of dissolution, the Executive Board shall appoint two regular members to act together with the Treasurer to settle any debts and to dispose of records and any remaining assets in accordance with the purposes of the Association as stated in the Constitution.

Section 3

A General Meeting shall be held a minimum of once a year. The Membership Representation Board shall convene all General meetings and, in consultation with the Executive Board and the Financial Review Boards, shall set a proposed Agenda. It must call a General Meeting if presented with such a request either from the Executive Board, the Financial Review Board or a petition signed by fifteen regular members. The request shall identify the purpose of the meeting. The proposed Agenda for the Meeting shall be communicated to the regular members at least eight calendar days prior to the day of the Meeting.


(Executive Board) 

Section 1

As per the Constitution, Article VIII
b. The Executive Board shall meet at least ten times per year, convened by its President. The quorum for the Board Meetings shall be the simple majority of its officers and decisions are adopted by a majority of three.
c. Board Meetings are open to the membership and members may request an item to be added to the Agenda.
d. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by any three board members. Notice of special meetings shall be circulated no later than two calendar days before the meeting day.
e. No member shall have the right to incur any debt or involve the Association in any way unless given full authority by the Executive Board members.
f. Resignation of Officers must be submitted to the Executive President in writing. Should the office of the Executive President become vacant, the Vice-President shall automatically succeed to that office for the remainder of the term. A vacancy in any other Board position shall be filled for the remainder of the term by presidential appointment with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 2
Executive Officers:

a. The Executive President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. She shall inform the membership of important discussions and all Association policy decisions taken. The Executive President will present a report of her Board’s activities, including financial, annually.
b. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the Executive President when the Executive President is absent or upon her resignation.
c. The Secretary shall:
o Record and keep the Minutes of all Board and General Meetings, as well as keep all the latest versions of the Constitution and the Internal Regulations.
o Facilitate access to the files of the Association to all members upon request.
d. The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
o Keeping an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Association funds.
o Keeping the accounts in order and liaising with the Association’s Accountant.
o Reporting on the financial situation of the Association as determined by the Executive Board.
o Liaise with the Financial Review Board on all matters related to the Association’s funds.
e. The Designate Member of the Executive Board shall take on a role as deemed necessary.
f. All Board Members are responsible for producing an account of all expenditures and of all preapproved expenditures at the next board meeting.
g. The Executive Board may establish new committees as may be required to carry on the Association’s purpose. Any committee member may attend Board Meetings without voting privileges.
h. There should be communication between Executive Board and any committee members to produce an overall plan of the events for the Association.
i. The Executive Board shall comply with all the statutory requirements necessary as a result of the Association being a legal entity.


(Financial Review Board)

a. The three members of the Financial Review Board shall audit a copy of the quarterly Financial Statement and the budget for the year.
b. The Financial Review Board shall ensure that the Association complies with all statutory requirements necessary as a result of the Association being a legal entity.
c. The Fiscal Year shall concur with the calendar year – 1st January to 31st December.
d. Liaise with the Treasurer on all matters related to the Association’s funds.

(Membership Representation Board)

a. Runs the election of officers at all General Meetings as per Article V, Section 2 ‘Elections’
b. Convenes and Chairs all General Meetings.
c. Shall receive appeals and concerns of the Association’s members. 

(Final Disposition)
As per the Constitution


Section 1 - Events

a. A guest may participate in no more than two Association activities or events before applying for membership and shall be informed of this when registering for any events or activities.
b. Members have priority over Associate Members or guests in the Association’s activities and events.
The Executive Board will decide, for each event and excursion, the amount to be charged to members and to guests as well as cancelation and refund policies.

Section 2 - Activities

a. All activities must be led by a Captain who is an IWP member, who may not charge any fee for her services or guidance.
b. Any members wanting to start a new activity must obtain approval from the Executive Board prior to starting a new group.
c. Although IWP is a non-profit organization a fee may be requested from the members to cover the expenses.
d. An activity group may hire the services of a non-Captain whose fees will be covered by the group, if approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3 - Expenses

The Executive Board will consider special requests for reimbursement for various expenses submitted by members, if pre-approved and if receipts are presented.

Section 4 – Business Promotions

In keeping with the Purpose of the Association, the promotion of a business or the sale of goods or services by members will not be allowed within the Association unless specifically approved by the Executive Board.

Section 5 – Safety and liability

a. IWP members and guests attending an IWP event or activity do so at their own risk and responsibility.
b. Board Members and Captains shall make sure that all participants are aware of any safety issues related to the IWP event or activity.
c. IWP will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or damages that occur at any of the IWP activities or events.
d. Any pets accompanying a member or a guest to an activity or event should be kept by its owner on short, fixed leashes, and it is the owner responsibility to prevent them from jumping on other members. Pet owners are obliged to carry the appropriate bags and pick up after their pets.

Section 6 – Communication

All members, especially Board Members, and Activity Captains should create an open, inclusive and supportive environment for healthy and respectful communication. Aggressive, bullying, belittling or demeaning communication will not be tolerated, and may justify a membership being revoked.

Section 7 – Data Privacy

The use of all personal data (contacts, telephone numbers, addresses, etc) of IWP members is expressly prohibited without the express consent of the concerned member.


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